
Flight provides some basic templating functionality by default.

If you need more complex templating needs, see the Smarty and Latte examples in the Custom Views section.

To display a view template call the render method with the name of the template file and optional template data:

Flight::render('hello.php', ['name' => 'Bob']);

The template data you pass in is automatically injected into the template and can be reference like a local variable. Template files are simply PHP files. If the content of the hello.php template file is:

Hello, <?= $name ?>!

The output would be:

Hello, Bob!

You can also manually set view variables by using the set method:

Flight::view()->set('name', 'Bob');

The variable name is now available across all your views. So you can simply do:


Note that when specifying the name of the template in the render method, you can leave out the .php extension.

By default Flight will look for a views directory for template files. You can set an alternate path for your templates by setting the following config:

Flight::set('flight.views.path', '/path/to/views');


It is common for websites to have a single layout template file with interchanging content. To render content to be used in a layout, you can pass in an optional parameter to the render method.

Flight::render('header', ['heading' => 'Hello'], 'headerContent');
Flight::render('body', ['body' => 'World'], 'bodyContent');

Your view will then have saved variables called headerContent and bodyContent. You can then render your layout by doing:

Flight::render('layout', ['title' => 'Home Page']);

If the template files looks like this:


<h1><?= $heading ?></h1>


<div><?= $body ?></div>


    <title><?= $title ?></title>
    <?= $headerContent ?>
    <?= $bodyContent ?>

The output would be:

    <title>Home Page</title>

Custom Views

Flight allows you to swap out the default view engine simply by registering your own view class.


Here's how you would use the Smarty template engine for your views:

// Load Smarty library
require './Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';

// Register Smarty as the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure Smarty on load
Flight::register('view', Smarty::class, [], function (Smarty $smarty) {

// Assign template data
Flight::view()->assign('name', 'Bob');

// Display the template

For completeness, you should also override Flight's default render method:

Flight::map('render', function(string $template, array $data): void {


Here's how you would use the Latte template engine for your views:

// Register Latte as the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure Latte on load
Flight::register('view', Latte\Engine::class, [], function (Latte\Engine $latte) {
  // This is where Latte will cache your templates to speed things up
    // One neat thing about Latte is that it automatically refreshes your
    // cache when you make changes to your templates!
    $latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../cache/');

    // Tell Latte where the root directory for your views will be at.
    $latte->setLoader(new \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader(__DIR__ . '/../views/'));

// And wrap it up so you can use Flight::render() correctly
Flight::map('render', function(string $template, array $data): void {
  // This is like $latte_engine->render($template, $data);
  echo Flight::view()->render($template, $data);